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Wyndham Libraries becomes the first library in Australia to use chatbot

The city of Wyndham located just 30 KM west of Melbourn, is best known for its tourist attractions like Werribee Mansion and Werribee Open Range Zoo. It is also known as a commuter town due to its large population working in the city.

Werribee Park (Courtesy: Wikipedia)
A lesser-known fact about this place is its inclination towards innovation and technology. The city of Wyndham has always kept herself ahead of others when it comes to technology. From paying off council rates to borrowing a book from a library, this place has always made headlines in digital presence.

Wyndham Libraries Portal
This place has maintained this reputation by deploying yet another cutting edge technology "Artificial Intelligence" for its 5 libraries. Wyndham Libraries has used a chatbot to allow users to search the library catalogue This chatbot uses Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to help solve the queries. It can search the catalogue ( you can also choose the advanced search option that lets you search using specific filters).

You can check out this chatbot's facebook page here Click here. Or you can directly talk to chatbot here

Wyndham Library Collection Bot Facebook Page

This chatbot, developed by Replymate is open to the public and has served hundreds of customers. Wyndham. It allows users to search the library catalogue through their messenger. The main advantage of using Messenger as a channel is that it saves the interaction history in the messenger and you do not have to download any specific app for it.

Wyndham Library Collection Bot

Though this bot can search through the catalogue, there is room for expansion e.g. Improve the AI part to increase the user engagement. However, it is just a first step, who knows, what else Wyndham council have for us. So we will stay tuned...


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