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You can create a username on hostedbots.com with just a few clicks. All you need to do is to click on this link https://www.hostedbots.com/sm/GUI/new_user.php on this link you will see a form like this and fill in these values Email = Your email address Name = Your first Name (Note: It is only your first name) Password = Password that you want to choose for this account Confirm Password = Re type your password, so that any typo can be ruled out Create username on hostedbots.com Once you fill these values, click on the button "submit" That is it! Creating a username was never that easy.
Now that we have chatbot solutions, we have to think about the importance and relevance of these chatbot metrics. Here’s an article to help you get started- https://www.engati.com/blog/chatbot-metrics-conversational-analytics-technology